

1. 個人情報の定義


2. 個人情報の利用目的

(1) 当社が提供するサービス(以下「本サービス」といいます。)の提供のため
(2) 本サービスに関するご案内、お問い合せ等への対応のため
(3) 当社の商品、本サービスのご案内のため
(4) 本サービスに関する当社の規約、ポリシー等(以下「規約等」といいます。)に違反する行為に対する対応のため
(5) 本サービスに関する規約等の変更などを通知するため
(6) ユーザーの本サービスの利用の状況等に関する情報を分析して本サービスの改善、新サービスの開発等に役立てるため
(7) 第三者から提供を受けた個人関連情報及びユーザーの本サービスの利用の状況等に関する情報を分析・突合し、ユーザーの年齢、職業、性別、趣味等に合わせて、広告配信をカスタマイズするため
(8) 雇用管理及び社内手続のため(役職員の個人情報について)、人材採用活動における選考及び連絡のため(応募者の個人情報について)
(9) 株主管理、会社法その他法令上の手続対応のため(株主、新株予約権者等の個人情報について
(10) 本サービスに関連して、個人を識別できない形式に加工した統計データを作成するため
(11) その他、上記利用目的に付随する目的のため

3. 個人情報の収集方法等

3.1       当社は、本サービスの提供にあたり、本サービスのユーザーから、以下の情報を、以下の方法により収集します。

(1)      収集する情報

氏名、メールアドレス、広告ID、本サービスに関するuser ID、容貌(顔の情報等)

(2)      収集方法






3.2       当社は、本サービスの提供期間中、及び本サービスの提供終了後も、第3.1項(1)に定める情報を保持します。但し、当該情報を利用する必要がなくなったときは、当該情報を遅滞なく消去するよう努めます。

4. 個人情報利用目的の変更


5. 個人情報利用

5.1 当社は、個人情報保護法その他の法令により許容される場合を除き、本人の同意を得ず、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて個人情報を取り扱いません。但し、次の場合はこの限りではありません。
(1) 法令に基づく場合
(2) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(3) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(4) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
(5) 学術研究機関等に個人データを提供する場合であって、当該学術研究機関等が当該個人データを学術研究目的で取り扱う必要があるとき(当該個人データを取り扱う目的の一部が学術研究目的である場合を含み、個人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除く。)。
5.2 当社は、違法又は不当な行為を助長し、又は誘発するおそれがある方法により個人情報を利用しません。

6. 個人情報の適正な取得

6.1 当社は、適正に個人情報を取得し、偽りその他不正の手段により取得しません。
6.2 当社は、次の場合を除き、あらかじめ本人の同意を得ないで、要配慮個人情報(個人情報保護法第2条第3項に定義されるものを意味します。)を取得しません。
(1) 第5.1項第1号から第4号までのいずれかに該当する場合
(2) 学術研究機関等から要配慮個人情報を取得する場合であって、当該要配慮個人情報を学術研究目的で取得する必要があるとき(当該要配慮個人情報を取得する目的の一部が学術研究目的である場合を含み、個人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除く。)(当該個人情報取扱事業者と当該学術研究機関等が共同して学術研究を行う場合に限る。)
(3) 当該要配慮個人情報が、本人、国の機関、地方公共団体、学術研究機関等、個人情報保護法第57条第1項各号に掲げる者その他個人情報保護委員会規則で定める者により公開されている場合
(4) 本人を目視し、又は撮影することにより、その外形上明らかな要配慮個人情報を取得する場合
(5) 第三者から要配慮個人情報の提供を受ける場合であって、当該第三者による当該提供が第9.1項各号のいずれかに該当するとき
6.3 当社は、第三者から個人情報の提供を受けるに際しては、個人情報保護委員会規則で定めるところにより、次に掲げる事項の確認を行います。ただし、当該第三者による当該個人情報の提供が第5.1項各号のいずれかに該当する場合又は第9.1項各号のいずれかに該当する場合を除きます。
(1) 当該第三者の氏名又は名称及び住所、並びに法人の場合はその代表者(法人でない団体で代表者又は管理人の定めのあるものの場合は、その代表者又は管理人)の氏名
(2) 当該第三者による当該個人情報の取得の経緯

7. 個人情報の安全管理









1) 教育訓練、安全対策の実施ならびに実践遵守計画の策定および周知徹底等の措置

2) 情報セキュリティに対する責任について雇用契約書又は秘密保持契約書に記載

3) 情報セキュリティに関する意識の向上のためその他個人データの取り扱いに関して定期的な教育の実施





8. 漏洩時の報告等


9. 第三者提供 

9.1 当社は、第5.1項各号のいずれかに該当する場合を除くほか、あらかじめ本人の同意を得ないで、個人情報を第三者に提供しません。但し、次に掲げる場合は上記に定める第三者への提供には該当しません。
(1) 利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託することに伴って個人情報を提供する場合
(2) 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供される場合
(3) 個人情報保護法の定めに基づき共同利用する場合
9.2 第9.1項の定めにかかわらず、当社は、第5.1項各号のいずれかに該当する場合を除くほか、外国(個人情報保護法第28条に基づき個人情報保護委員会規則で指定される国を除きます。)にある第三者(個人情報保護法第28条に基づき個人情報保護委員会規則で指定される基準に適合する体制を整備している者を除きます。)に個人情報を提供する場合には、あらかじめ外国にある第三者への提供を認める旨の本人の同意を得るものとします。
9.3 第9.2項に基づき外国にある第三者への提供につき本人の同意を得る場合、以下の事項について本人に情報を提供するものとします。但し、第1号の事項が特定できない場合、第1号及び第2号の事項に代えて、第1号の事項が特定できない旨及びその理由、並びに当該事項に代わる本人に参考となるべき情報があれば当該情報を提供するものとします。
(1) 当該外国の名称
(2) 当該外国における個人情報の保護に関する制度に関する情報
(3) 当該第三者が講じる個人情報の保護のための措置に関する情報(当該情報を提供できない場合は、その旨及びその理由)
9.4 当社は、個人情報を第三者に提供したときは、個人情報保護法第29条に従い、記録の作成及び保存を行います。
9.5 当社は、第三者から個人情報の提供を受けるに際しては、個人情報保護法第30条に従い、必要な確認を行い、当該確認にかかる記録の作成及び保存を行うものとします。

10. 個人情報等の開示

10.1 当社は、本人から、個人情報保護法の定めに基づき個人情報の開示を求められたときは、本人ご自身からのご請求であることを確認の上で、本人に対し、遅滞なく開示を行います(当該個人情報が存在しないときにはその旨を通知いたします。)。但し、個人情報保護法その他の法令により、当社が開示の義務を負わない場合は、この限りではありません。
10.2 前項の定めは、本人が識別される個人情報にかかる、第9.4項に基づき作成した第三者への提供にかかる記録及び第9.5項に基づき作成した第三者からの提供にかかる記録について準用するものとします。

11. 個人情報の訂正等


12. 個人情報の利用停止等


13. 個人関連情報の第三者提供

13.1 当社は、第三者が個人関連情報(個人情報保護法第2条第7項に定めるものを意味し、同法第16条第7項に定める個人関連情報データベース等を構成するものに限ります。以下同じ。)を個人データとして取得することが想定されるときは、第5.1項各号に掲げる場合を除くほか、次に掲げる事項について、あらかじめ個人情報保護委員会規則で定めるところにより確認することをしないで、当該個人関連情報を当該第三者に提供しません。
(1) 当該第三者が当社から個人関連情報の提供を受けて本人が識別される個人データとして取得することを認める旨の本人の同意が得られていること。
(2) 外国にある第三者への提供にあっては、前号の本人の同意を得ようとする場合において、個人情報保護委員会規則で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該外国における個人情報の保護に関する制度、当該第三者が講ずる個人情報の保護のための措置その他本人に参考となるべき情報が本人に提供されていること。
13.2 当社は、個人関連情報を第三者に提供したときは、個人情報保護法第31条に従い、記録の作成及び保存を行います。
13.3 当社は、第三者から個人関連情報の提供を受けるに際しては、個人情報保護法第31条に従い、必要な確認を行い、当該確認にかかる記録の作成及び保存を行うものとします。

14. 仮名加工情報の取扱い

14.1 当社は、仮名加工情報(個人情報保護法第2条第5項に定めるものを意味し、同法第16条第5項に定める仮名加工情報データベース等を構成するものに限ります。以下同じ。)を作成するときは、個人情報保護委員会規則で定める基準に従い、個人情報を加工するものとします。
14.2 当社は、仮名加工情報を作成したとき、又は仮名加工情報及び当該仮名加工情報に係る削除情報等(個人情報保護法第41条第2項に定めるものを意味します。以下同じ。)を取得したときは、削除情報等の漏えいを防止するために必要なものとして個人情報保護委員会規則で定める基準に従い、削除情報等の安全管理のための措置を講じるものとします。
14.3 当社は、仮名加工情報(個人情報であるものに限ります。以下本第14.3項において同じ。)について、以下の定めに従います。
(1)  当社は、第5.1項の規定にかかわらず、法令に基づく場合を除くほか、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて、仮名加工情報を取り扱いません。
(2)  仮名加工情報についての第3 項の適用については、同項中「関連性を有すると合理的に認められる範囲内において変更する」とあるのは「変更する」と、「通知し又は公表します」とあるのは「公表します」と、それぞれ読み替えるものとします。
(3)  当社は、第9.1項から第9.3項までの規定にかかわらず、法令に基づく場合を除くほか、仮名加工情報である個人データを第三者に提供しません。但し、第9.1項各号に掲げる場合は上記に定める第三者への提供には該当しません。
(4)  当社は、仮名加工情報を取り扱うに当たっては、当該仮名加工情報の作成に用いられた個人情報に係る本人を識別するために、当該仮名加工情報を他の情報と照合しないものとします。
(5)  当社は、仮名加工情報を取り扱うにあたっては、電話をかけ、郵便若しくは信書便により送付し、電報を送達し、ファックス若しくは電磁的方法を用いて送信し、又は住居を訪問するために、当該仮名加工情報に含まれる連絡先その他の情報を利用しないものとします。
(6)  仮名加工情報については、第8項及び第10項から第12項までの規定を適用しないものとします。
14.4 当社は、仮名加工情報(個人情報であるものを除く。以下本第14.4項において同じ。)について、以下の定めに従います。
(1)  当社は、法令に基づく場合を除くほか、仮名加工情報を第三者に提供しません。但し、第9.1項各号に掲げる場合は上記に定める第三者への提供には該当しません。
(2)  当社は、仮名加工情報の漏洩などのリスクに対して、仮名加工情報の安全管理が図られるよう、当社の従業員に対し、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。また、当社は、仮名加工情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合は、委託先において個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
(3)  当社は、仮名加工情報を取り扱うに当たっては、当該仮名加工情報の作成に用いられた個人情報に係る本人を識別するために、削除情報等を取得し、又は当該仮名加工情報を他の情報と照合しないものとします。
(4)  当社は、仮名加工情報を取り扱うにあたっては、電話をかけ、郵便若しくは信書便により送付し、電報を送達し、ファックス若しくは電磁的方法を用いて送信し、又は住居を訪問するために、当該仮名加工情報に含まれる連絡先その他の情報を利用しないものとします。

15. 匿名加工情報の取扱い

15.1 当社は、匿名加工情報(個人情報保護法第2条第6項に定めるものを意味し、同法第16条第6項に定める匿名加工情報データベース等を構成するものに限ります。以下同じ。)を作成するときは、個人情報保護委員会規則で定める基準に従い、個人情報を加工するものとします。
15.2 当社は、匿名加工情報を作成したときは、個人情報保護委員会規則で定める基準に従い、安全管理のための措置を講じます。
15.3 当社は、匿名加工情報を作成したときは、個人情報保護委員会規則で定めるところにより、当該匿名加工情報に含まれる個人に関する情報の項目を公表します。
15.4 当社は、匿名加工情報(当社が作成したもの及び第三者から提供を受けたものを含みます。以下別段の定めがない限り同様とします。)を第三者に提供するときは、個人情報保護委員会規則で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、 第三者に提供される匿名加工情報に含まれる個人に関する情報の項目及びその提供の方法について公表するとともに、当該第三者に対して、当該提供に係る情報が匿名加工情報である旨を明示します。
15.5 当社は、匿名加工情報を取り扱うに当たっては、匿名加工情報の作成に用いられた個人情報に係る本人を識別するために、(1)匿名加工情報を他の情報と照合すること、及び(2)当該個人情報から削除された記述等若しくは個人識別符号又は個人情報保護法第43条第1項の規定により行われた加工の方法に関する情報を取得すること((2)は第三者から提供を受けた当該匿名加工情報についてのみ)を行わないものとします。
15.6 当社は、匿名加工情報の安全管理のために必要かつ適切な措置、匿名加工情報の作成その他の取扱いに関する苦情の処理その他の匿名加工情報の適正な取扱いを確保するために必要な措置を自ら講じ、かつ、当該措置の内容を公表するよう努めるものとします。

16. Cookie(クッキー)その他の技術の利用


17. お問い合わせ

〒106-0047  東京都港区南麻布3-19-13 22SKY BLDG. 302
Tangerine株式会社(代表取締役 平井 清人)
E-mail :info@tangerine.io

18. 継続的改善




〒106-0047 東京都港区南麻布3-19-13
22SKY BLDG. 302
TEL: 03-5953-7601 FAX: 03-5953-8862
Mail: info@tangerine.io

Privacy Policy

Tangerine Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) understands the importance of personal information protection, complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), and endeavors to appropriately handle and protect personal information in accordance with the privacy policy provided for below (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”). Unless otherwise provided for in the Privacy Policy, the definition of terms used in the Privacy Policy shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

1. Definition of Personal Information

As used in the Privacy Policy, the term “personal information” shall mean personal information defined in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Act.

2. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Company will use personal information for the purposes set forth below.

      (1)      To provide services offered by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”)

      (2)      To respond to inquiries such as those about information on the Services

      (3)      To provide information about the Company’s products and the Services

      (4)      To respond to violations of the Company’s terms, conditions and policies for the Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”)

      (5)      To give notice of amendments or other changes to the Terms and Conditions of the Services

      (6)      To analyze information such as that on the usage of the Services by users in order to make use of such information for activities such as improving the Services and developing new services

      (7)      To analyze personal-related information provided by third parties and information such as that on the usage of the Services by users, and collate such information with other information in order to customize advertisements delivered according to the age, occupation, gender, hobby and other tastes of users

      (8)      To manage employees and go through internal procedures (with respect to personal information of officers and employees), and to screen and contact candidates in recruitment activities (with respect to personal information of candidates)

      (9)      To manage shareholders and respond to procedures under the Companies Act and other laws and regulations (with respect to personal information of persons such as shareholders and holders of share options)

      (10)    To produce statistical data processed in a format in which individuals are not identifiable, in connection with the Services

      (11)    For other purposes incidental to any of the use purposes in the preceding items

3. Methods of Collecting Personal Information

3.1       In providing the Services, the Company will collect the following information from users of the Services by the following methods:

(1)      Information to be collected

Names, email addresses, advertising IDs, user IDs for the Services, and physical features (such as facial information)

(2)      Collection methods

(i)    Having users enter information on the website managed by the Company

(ii)   Acquiring information from a beacon related to the Services

(iii)  Acquiring information by linking the Services with third-party databases

(iv)  Acquiring information from external devices (including, but not limited to AI cameras) related to the Services

(v)   Receiving personal-related information from third parties

3.2       The Company will retain information set forth in Article 3.1, item (1) during the period the Services is provided and thereafter; provided, however, that the Company will endeavor to erase such information without delay when the Company no longer needs to use the information.

4. Changes in Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company may change any purpose of use of personal information to the extent reasonably deemed relevant, and in cases of such change, the Company will notify the individual who is the subject of personal information (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Subject”) of the change personally or via announcement.

 5. Use of Personal Information

5.1      Except as permitted by the Act or other laws and regulations, the Company will not handle personal information without the consent of the Data Subject beyond the extent necessary to achieve any use purpose; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the cases set forth below.

           (1)      Where it is based on laws and regulations

           (2)      Where it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and difficult to obtain the consent of the Data Subject

           (3)      Where it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote healthy child development and difficult to obtain the consent of the Data Subject

           (4)      Where it is necessary to cooperate with a national government organization or a local government, or a person entrusted by such entity in performing affairs specified by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the Data Subject may hinder performance of the affairs

           (5)      Where personal data is provided to an organization such as an academic research institute and the organization needs to handle such personal data for academic research purposes (including where part of the purpose of handling such personal data is an academic research purpose, but except where there is a risk of unjustly infringing rights and interests of individuals)

5.2      The Company will not use personal information by any method that is likely to encourage or induce an illegal or unjust act.

6. Proper Acquisition of Personal Information

6.1      The Company will properly acquire personal information, and never acquire personal information by fraudulent or other wrongful means.

6.2      The Company will not acquire special care-required personal information (meaning that defined in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Act) without the prior consent of the Data Subject, except in the cases set forth below.

           (1)      Where it falls under one of the cases set forth in items (1) through (4) of Article 5.1

           (2)      Where special care-required personal information is acquired from an organization such as an academic research institute, and it is necessary to acquire such special care-required personal information for academic research purposes (including where part of the purpose of acquiring such special care-required personal information is an academic research purpose, but except where there is a risk of unjustly infringing rights and interests of individuals) (only in the case the business operator handling personal information and the organization such as academic research institute jointly conduct academic research)

           (3)      Where the special care-required personal information is made public by the Data Subject, a national government organization, a local government, an organization such as an academic research institute, a person listed in one of items of Article 57, paragraph 1 of the Act, or any other person designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission

           (4)      Where special care-required personal information containing visually identifiable features is acquired by visual observation, filming or photographing of the Data Subject

           (5)      Where special care-required personal is provided by a third party, which falls under one of the cases set forth in items of Article 9.1.

6.3      When personal information is provided by a third party, the Company will confirm the matters listed below as set forth in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, except where the provision of such personal information by the third party falls under one of items of Article 5.1 or items of Article 9.1.

           (1)      Name and address of the third party, and if the third party is a corporation, name of the representative (in cases of an organization without legal personality for which the representative or administrator has been designated, that representative or administrator)

           (2)      Circumstances under which the personal information was acquired by the third party

7. Safety Management of Personal Information

The Company will supervise its employees in a necessary and appropriate manner so that personal information is safely managed and protected against risks such as loss, destruction, falsification and leakage. The Company, when outsourcing the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, will also provide necessary and appropriate supervision so that the personal information is safely managed by the outsourcer. The Company implements the safety management measures for its retained personal data as shown below while monitoring the external environment. For the specific details of the safety management measures, the Company will answer the inquiry without delay when the Data Subject contacts the Company through the contact point set forth in Article 17.

Formulation of the basic policy

The Privacy Policy is formulated as the basic policy for matters such as “compliance with related laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.” and “establishment of a contact point for dealing with questions and complaints” to ensure the proper handling of personal data.

Maintenance of discipline for the handling of personal data

Rules and regulations for the handling of personal data are formulated with respect to matters such as handling methods, the responsible person and personnel in charge thereof and their duties at each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, disposal, etc.

Organizational safety management measures

Persons responsible for the handling of personal information are appointed, and, based on the cooperation with these persons, organizational, human, physical and technical safety management measures for personal information are taken.

Human safety management measures

1) Education and training is provided; safety measures are implemented; the compliance action plan is formulated; and measures are taken to thoroughly familiarize officers and employees with the plan.

2) Liability for information security is set forth in the employment agreement or non-disclosure agreement.

3) Education about handling of personal data is regularly provided to raise awareness of information security and other related matters.

Physical safety management measures

Physical safety management measures set forth in the information security management regulations are implemented, such as the implementation of antitheft measures.

Technical safety management measures

To restrict access to personal information, access controls are set on each file and the chief administrator grants access rights to each individual in accordance with the access control policy.

8. Reports upon Occurrence of Leakage

If an event such as leakage of, loss of or damage to personal information handled by the Company occurs, the Company will report to the Personal Information Protection Commission thereon and notify the Data Subject thereof in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

9. Provision to Third Parties

9.1      The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the Data Subject, except where such provision falls under one of items of Article 5.1; provided, however, that the cases listed below do not fall under the provision to third parties set forth in the foregoing.

           (1)      Where personal information is provided in connection with the outsourcing of the handling of the personal information, in whole or in part, to the extent necessary to achieve any use purpose

(2)      Where personal information is provided in connection with a business succession due to merger or other circumstances

           (3)      Where personal information is jointly used under the provisions of the Act

9.2      Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9.1, the Company shall, except where it falls under one of items of Article 5.1, obtain the prior consent of the Data Subject to the effect that the Data Subject approves the provision of personal information to a third party (excluding entities that have a system conforming to the standards designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission under Article 28 of the Act) in a foreign country (excluding countries designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission under Article 28 of the Act) in cases of such provision to the third party in a foreign country.

9.3      When the consent of the Data Subject is obtained with respect to provision to a third party in a foreign country under Article 9.2, information shall be provided to the Data Subject with respect to the matters set forth in items below; provided, however, that if it is unable to identify the matter set forth in item (1), the fact that it is unable to identify the matter set forth in item (1) and reasons therefor in lieu of the matters set forth in items (1) and (2), as well as information that is to serve as a reference for the Data Subject in lieu thereof, if any, shall be provided.

           (1)      Name of the foreign country

           (2)      Information on a system for the protection of personal information in the foreign country

           (3)      Information on measures taken by the third party for the protection of personal information (if it is unable to provide such information, that fact and reasons therefor)

9.4      The Company will, when providing personal information to a third party, keep and retain records in accordance with Article 29 of the Act.

9.5      The Company shall, when receiving personal information provided by a third party, confirm specific matters required and keep and retain records of such confirmation in accordance with Article 30 of the Act.

10. Disclosure of Personal Information

10.1    When the Data Subject requests that the Company disclose personal information under the provisions of the Act, the Company will disclose it to the Data Subject without delay after confirming that the request was made by the Data Subject him or herself (or, if such personal information does not exist, notify the Data Subject thereof); provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case the Company is not obliged to make a disclosure pursuant to the Act or other laws and regulations.

10.2    The provisions of the preceding article shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to records of provision to third parties made under Article 9.4 and records of provision from third parties made under Article 9.5 for personal information that may identify the Data Subject.

11. Corrections, etc. to Personal Information

If the Data Subject, under the provisions of the Act, requests that the Company make corrections or additions to or deletion of (hereinafter referred to as “Corrections, etc.”) the content of personal information for the reason that the personal information is not true, the Company will, after confirming that the request was made by the Data Subject him or herself, conduct a necessary investigation without delay to the extent necessary to achieve any use purpose, and based on the result thereof, make Corrections, etc. to the content of the personal information and notify the Data Subject thereof (or, if the Company decides that Corrections, etc. are not made, notify the Data Subject thereof); provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case the Company is not obliged to make Corrections, etc. pursuant to the Act or other laws and regulations.

12. Cease Using, etc. Personal Information

If the Data Subject, under the provisions of the Act, requests that (i) the Company cease using or erase (hereinafter referred to as “Cease Using, etc.”) the Data Subject’s personal information for the reason that the personal information is handled beyond the purpose of use thereof made public in advance, is used by a method that is likely to encourage or induce an illegal or unjust act, or has been acquired by fraudulent or other wrongful means; (ii) the Company cease providing (hereinafter referred to as “Cease Providing”) the Data Subject’s personal information for the reason that the personal information is provided to a third party without the Data Subject’s consent; or (iii) the Company Cease Using, etc. or Cease Providing the Data Subject’s personal information for the reason that it falls under the case where the Company no longer needs to use the personal information, where an event provided for in the main clause of Article 26, paragraph 1 of the Act occurs with respect to the personal information or otherwise where the Data Subject’s rights or legitimate interests are likely to be harmed by the handling of the personal information, and it is revealed that the reason for the request is valid, the Company will, after confirming that the request was made by the Data Subject him or herself, Cease Using, etc. or Cease Providing the personal information without delay and notify the Data Subject thereof; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case the Company is not obliged to Cease Using, etc. or Cease Providing such information pursuant to the Act or other laws and regulations.

13. Provision of Personal-Related Information by Third Parties

13.1    When it is expected that a third party will acquire personal-related information (meaning that defined in Article 2, paragraph 7 of the Act, and limited to that constituting personal-related information database, etc. defined in Article 16, paragraph 7 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply) as personal data, the Company will not provide such personal-related information to the third party without confirming the matters listed below in advance as set forth in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, except in the cases listed in items of Article 5.1.

           (1)      The fact that the consent of the Data Subject has been obtained to the effect that the Data Subject approves the acquisition by the third party of personal-related information provided by the Company as personal data that may identify the Data Subject.

           (2)      For provision to a third party in a foreign country, in cases where the Company seeks to obtain the Data Subject’s consent referred to in the preceding item, the fact that information on a system for the protection of personal information in the foreign country, information on measures taken by the third party for the protection of personal information and other information that is to serve as a reference for the Data Subject have been provided to the Data Subject in advance pursuant to the provisions of the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission

13.2      The Company will, when providing personal-related information to a third party, keep and retain records in accordance with Article 31 of the Act.

13.3          The Company shall, when receiving personal-related information provided by a third party, confirm specific matters required and keep and retain records of such confirmation in accordance with Article 31 of the Act.

14. Handling Pseudonymously Processed Information

14.1    The Company shall process personal information in accordance with the standards designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, when producing pseudonymously processed information (meaning that defined in Article 2, paragraph 5 of the Act, and limited to that constituting pseudonymously processed information database, etc. defined in Article 16, paragraph 5 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply).

14.2    When the Company produces pseudonymously processed information or acquires pseudonymously processed information and deleted information, etc. (meaning that defined in Article 41, paragraph 2 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply) pertaining thereto, the Company shall take measures for the safety management of deleted information, etc. as those required to prevent leakage of deleted information, etc. in accordance with the standards designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission.

14.3    The Company will follow the provisions below with respect to pseudonymously processed information (limited to that being personal information; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article 14.3).

           (1)      Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5.1, the Company will not handle pseudonymously processed information beyond the extent necessary to achieve any use purpose, except as based on laws and regulations.

           (2)      For the application of Article 4 with respect to pseudonymously processed information, the phrase “change … to the extent reasonably deemed relevant” in the same Article shall be replaced with “change,” and the phrase “notify … of the change personally or via announcement” shall be replaced with “notify … of the change via announcement,” respectively.

           (3)      Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 9.1 through 9.3, the Company will not provide third parties with personal data in the form of pseudonymously processed information, except as based on laws and regulations; provided, however, that the cases listed in items of Article 9.1 do not fall under the provision to third parties set forth in the foregoing.

           (4)      In handling pseudonymously processed information, the Company shall not collate such pseudonymously processed information with other information to identify the Data Subject of personal information used to produce the pseudonymously processed information.

           (5)      In handling pseudonymously processed information, the Company shall not use contact or other information contained in such pseudonymously processed information to make a call, send any item by postal mail or correspondence delivery, deliver a telegram, send any information by fax or electromagnetic means, or visit a house.

           (6)      The provisions of Article 8 and Articles 10 through 12 shall not apply with respect to pseudonymously processed information.

14.4    The Company will follow the provisions below with respect to pseudonymously processed information (excluding that being personal information; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article 14.4).

           (1)      The Company will not provide pseudonymously processed information to third parties except as based on laws and regulations; provided, however, that the cases listed in items of Article 9.1 do not fall under the provision to third parties set forth in the foregoing.

           (2)      The Company will supervise its employees in a necessary and appropriate manner so that pseudonymously processed information is safely managed and protected against risks such as leakage. The Company, when outsourcing the handling of pseudonymously processed information, in whole or in part, will also provide necessary and appropriate supervision so that personal information is safely managed by the outsourcer.

           (3)      In handling pseudonymously processed information, the Company shall not acquire deleted information, etc. or collate such pseudonymously processed information with other information to identify the Data Subject of personal information used to produce the pseudonymously processed information.

           (4)      In handling pseudonymously processed information, the Company shall not use contact or other information contained in such pseudonymously processed information to make a call, send any item by postal mail or correspondence delivery, deliver a telegram, send any information by fax or electromagnetic means, or visit a house.

15. Handling Anonymously Processed Information

15.1    The Company shall process personal information in accordance with the standards designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, when producing anonymously processed information (meaning that defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the Act, and limited to that constituting anonymously processed information database, etc. defined in Article 16, paragraph 6 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply).

15.2    The Company will, when producing anonymously processed information, take measures for safety management in accordance with the standards designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission.

15.3    The Company will, when producing anonymously processed information, make public the items of information about individuals contained in such anonymously processed information as set forth in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission.

15.4    When the Company provides a third party with anonymously processed information (including that produced by the Company and that provided to the Company by third parties; hereinafter the same shall apply unless otherwise provided for), the Company will make public the items of information about individuals contained in the anonymously processed information to be provided to the third party and the method of provision thereof in advance as set forth in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, and clearly indicate to the third party that the information so provided is anonymously processed information.

15.5    In handling anonymously processed information, the Company shall not (i) collate the anonymously processed information with other information; or (ii) acquire information on descriptions and other elements or individual identification codes deleted from such personal information, or on the method of processing carried out pursuant to the provisions of Article 43, paragraph 1 of the Act (with (ii) applying only to anonymously processed information provided by third parties) to identify the Data Subject of personal information used to produce anonymously processed information.

15.6          The Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures for the safety management of anonymously processed information, as well as necessary measures to ensure that complaints about production and other handling of anonymously processed information are dealt with and anonymously processed information is otherwise handled properly, and endeavor to make public the details of those measures.

16. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

For the Services, Cookies and other similar technologies may be used. These technologies are useful for the Company to grasp information such as that on the usage of the Services, and contribute to service improvement. Users who choose to disable Cookies may change their browser settings; provided, however, that once Cookies are disabled, the users may not use some functions of the Services.

17. Contact Information

For requests for disclosure or other action, comments, questions, complaints to be raised or other inquiries about the handling of personal information, please contact the Company at the following contact point:

[Name, address and name of the representative of the personal information handling business operator]

22SKY BLDG. 302, 3-19-13 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047

Tangerine Inc. (Kiyoto Hirai, Representative Director)

Contact point for inquiries

E-mail:    info@tangerine.io

18. Continuous Improvement

The Company shall review operational status related to the handling of personal information from time to time to continuously improve the status, and may amend the Privacy Policy as needed.

[Established on April 1, 2017]

[Revised on April 1, 2022]